Protons, Atoms, and Forces

Published on Sina Blog on December 12, 2020

Protons, Atoms, and Forces

From the time of Democritus until the beginning of the 20th century, Western academic circles believed that the world is composed of an indivisible particle. They use atom to name this kind of particle, a means no, and tom means division, which together means indivisible.

Active resonance theory inherits this view. The active resonance theory holds that protons are what ancient thinkers called atoms, but what is now called an atom is actually a collection of protons with specific properties formed by one or many protons gathered together. A molecule is a collection of atoms with specific properties.

The structure of the proton is similar to the basketball we play. It is produced in the center of the galaxy. It is formed by the inward collapse of a large piece of aether matter when it vibrates violently. The formation mechanism of the proton is very similar to the formation mechanism of spherical lightning. Most of the protons will return to the galaxy's center to be broken down when the star is aging and then participate in the formation of new protons.

We see a lot of misty black matter in the Milky Way, which is protons escaping from the center of the Milky Way. When a large number of protons gather together, the protons themselves resonate like a drum through the aetheric medium. The drum body does not move, but the tiny drum surface in the opposite position will vibrate, and the resonance formed in this way will generate gravity and form a large celestial body.

Protons will be compressed in the interior of large stars to form multi-proton atoms, and protons will be aggregated into atomic nuclei. The mass and structure of the nucleus determine the properties of an atom. When the number of protons is relatively small, the nucleus will exhibit an ice-crystals-like structure.

For example, the atomic structure of carbon 12 is a solid tetrahedral structure formed by four protons inside. The structure of these four protons is the same as that of helium 4. Each of the four protons protrudes an antenna, and each antenna is formed by connecting two protons. The four tentacles of such a carbon atom can form a stable structure with four carbon atoms. The diproton antennae of one carbon atom (plus a proton on the tetrahedron, actually triproton antennae) can create a stable chemical bond with the antitriproton antennae of another carbon atom.

As the number of protons increases, the atom gradually exhibits metallic properties. Atoms clump together to form stable structures. Each metal atom would be connected to six metal atoms in two dimensions.

The atomic mass and the force between atoms determine the properties of metals. There is a very special atom whose atomic mass and the strength of the metal bond are just in a delicate state, which makes this metal atom particularly prone to vibration. When there is a continuous supply of energy, such as chemical energy emitted by impurity atoms inside the magnet, it will cause this metal atom to undergo a long-term resonance, which is what we call a magnet.

When the metal wire cuts the magnetic field lines in the magnetic field, the metal atoms will vibrate in an orderly manner, and this orderly vibration will be transmitted outward along the wire, which is what we call electricity. Electricity and heat are homologous, electricity is the ordered vibration of atoms, and heat is the disordered vibration of atoms.

The force between atoms in non-metallic substances such as plastic glass is relatively strong, and the surface atoms will resonate when rubbed. Resonance also occurs when small objects, such as pieces of paper, are close to them, and resonance creates attraction, so the small pieces of paper are attracted.

The atomic vibration will stir the aetheric vibration, the aetheric vibration emitted by the magnet is called magnetic wave, and the aetheric vibration emitted by the electrified metal conductor is called electric wave. The proton drum inside the nucleus vibrates in a large range, and the resulting resonance creates an attractive force between the protons inside the nucleus. The tiny drum of protons inside the star will resonate in a direction (outward from the star's center), and this directional resonance wave is called gravitational wave.

Thomas Guangnian Jin

















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