The three anxieties of human beings

For thousands of years, the human heart has had deep anxiety. People have long worried that the devil in hell will rush out of the ground and bring people to death. If this anxiety is arbitrarily raging, human society will be in chaos. Fortunately, human beings have had faith in God for a long time, and human beings believe that God will protect us and let us escape from the devil's death.

In the first half of the twentieth century, there were two other deep anxieties in human society. Humans find that the stars in the sky are the solar system, where alien civilizations should exist. Human beings are deeply concerned about alien invasion and destroying human civilization. The other is we are concerned about the massive energy inside the atom. Humans worry that the development of atomic weapons will lead to the demise of human beings.

The above three kinds of anxieties began to ravage the world, and the traditional beliefs of human beings could not suppress them. So various trends of thought began to outbreak, and human society broke out two world wars. Humans are in intense turbulence.

In helplessness, humans have proposed the concept of three constants. One is to transform Newton's gravitational constant and suggest a new one. The other two are the speed of light constant and the Planck constant. Humans put on these three constants with scientific coats and then use them to alleviate the three significant anxieties of human beings.

Through the new gravitational constant, humans use a torsion balance to obtain the mass of the Earth. Then design the Earth's crust, mantle, and core model. This model tells us that the density and the temperature deep in the ground are very high, with no room for hell.

The light-year unit is designed through the speed of light constant. Humans have found that the nearest other solar system is at least four light years away from the Earth, so alien civilizations cannot reach the Earth.

Through Planck's constant, humans have designed exemplary atomic models. Humans began to believe that we have entirely understood nuclear energy and that everything is controlled.

How can a balance be used to weigh the Earth? How can the speed of light is a constant when you are moving? The mass of protons is 0.000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,001,672,621,92 kg. How can those tiny micro-objects be so accurate? Human beings study the nature of the universe through three constants, and we can only see the illusion.

Abandoning the three constants, humans will naturally find the truth of the universe. The Earth is like a hollow watermelon. Some stars are only a few light-days away from the Earth. Only one kind of particle composition of the atom, the proton, is born in the galaxy's center.

The design and acceptance of three constants by human beings belong to the collective unconscious behavior. The purpose is to prevent human society from falling into turbulence again. These three constants have completed the task well, and we have spent more than 70 years smoothly. The three significant constants play a role in analgesics but cannot cure human anxiety.

The three significant constants became human beliefs in scientific coats. They destroy human rationality and make humans lose their ability to distinguish between right and wrong. Human society is moving towards greater chaos.

Thomas Guangnian Jin









其实用一个秤怎么能够称出地球的质量呢?你在运动的情况下,光速怎么能够不变呢?质子的质量是0.0000,00000,00000,00000,00000,00167,262192 公斤。宏观物体都无法如此精确,那些极端微小的微观物体怎能如此精确?人类通过三个常数来研究宇宙自然,看到的只能是幻象。







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