
目前显示的是 2022的博文

logical starting point

  The diagram above represents the starting point of human logic. Gold: make all beings live Green: make us live blue: make me live black: death Live has two meanings, one is to survive, and the other is to live better. Everyone has a logical starting point when making judgments. A person chooses different colors to judge the same thing, he gets different conclusions. More than 3,000 years ago, many nations and tribes in the world were in the Yi era. People in the Yi era used methods such as Stonehenge or Bagua Sanyao to predict natural disasters and secondary disasters. This method is very accurate. But if you want to master this method, it is not enough to rely on human's own feeling. People must carefully observe the conditions of the weak animals and plants around them to perceive the power of the three energy lines. Over time, human beings began to deeply love and be attached to all living beings in nature. Later, a very important event happened in human society. With the expa

Era of crosses

 From 8,000 years ago to 1000 BC, there was an Era of crosses in many parts of Eurasia. This era is characterized by using Stonehenge or Stonehenge-like methods to predict natural and secondary disasters. Stonehenge resembled the structure above when it first started. The ring represents the ecliptic, with three lines inside. Three lines form three intersecting lines, and since the three lines are constantly moving, they are usually made of plants. Over time, the lines made by the plants have disappeared, and today only the stones remain. The three lines represent the three major energy lines in our solar system, and their positions determine the status of natural disasters on Earth. The power of the three lines is not always easy to be directly perceived by humans, so ancient humans perceive the power of the three energy lines by observing the conditions of animals and plants and improving the accuracy of predictions. Over time, humans have developed a deep love and nostalgia for the

Kingdom of Heaven

One's judgment of right and wrong is based on a choice. make me live, make us live, Make all living beings live.   Live have two meaning, one is to survive, and the other is to live better. Live and love have the same meaning; they are homologous. God created all living beings, and God loves all living beings. If a person can deeply love and be attached to all living beings, his soul will resonate with great existence. He will enter the Kindom of heaven. He will be with God forever. Thomas Guangnian Jin 天国王朝 一个人判定对错要基于一个选择。 使我生, 使我们生, 使芸芸众生生。 生的含义包含两个,一个是活着,一个是活得更好。生(live)和爱(love)具有相同的含义,它们是同源的。 神创造了芸芸众生,神热爱芸芸众生。 如果一个人能够深深地热爱和眷恋世间的芸芸众生,他的灵魂会与伟大存在发生共鸣。 他会进入天朝王国。 他会与神同在,直至永远。 金光年

Soul and spirit

Everyone has a soul, but not everyone can raise the soul to the level of the spirit. When a person's soul begins to resonate with the great wisdom that makes all living beings flourish, the human soul begins to rise to the level of the spirit. At this time, he will feel that splendid love permeates the world. The soul has life and death, but the spirit will eventually merge with great virtue, love, and beauty.  Thomas Guangnian Jin 魂魄(soul)每个人都有,但将魂魄上升到灵魂的层度,却不是每个人都能做到。其关键一点就是这个灵字。 一个人的魂魄开始同天地间那种使芸芸众生蓬勃发展的宏大智慧共鸣的时候,人类的魂魄就开始上升到灵魂的层度。到了这时他将会感受到弥漫于天地间的大爱。 魂魄是有生有死的,而灵魂最终会同神的大德、大爱和大美融为一体。 金光年


In the European region near the Atlantic Ocean, there are more than 1,200 Stonehenge sites. What are these boulders used for?  The original images of these Stonehenge are shown below. These are pictures of the Sun Cross from the collection of the Swiss National Museum. Boulders surround the periphery of Stonehenge, the internal cross structure is made of plants, and the position of the cross is constantly changing. Since plants are not easy to preserve, only boulders remain today. So what was Stonehenge used for? This is the Universe model in aether theory. The three major energy lines in the solar system determine the natural disaster status of the earth. When the three energy lines are very close, large-scale mass natural disasters will occur on earth. Natural disasters are also very severe when the Sun-Jupiter and Sun-Saturn lines are conjunct. Prehistoric humans found the structural diagram of the solar system guided by observing disasters and deduced it vividly through Stonehenge.

 2021年10月23日首发于新浪博客       上图是易的甲骨文写法。这个字在甲骨文中到底具有什么含义呢?   《易系词》中说,古者包牺氏之王天下也,仰则观象与天,俯则观法于地,观鸟兽之文与地之宜,近取诸身,远取诸物,于是始作八卦,以通神明之德,以类万物之情。作结绳而为网罟,以佃以渔,盖取诸离。   这段话我们可以得到两个结论,第一个是伏羲氏(包牺氏)发明的八卦,第二个是伏羲氏应该主要以打渔和农耕为生。   从中国的地理特点分析,伏羲氏应该处于东南沿海鱼米之乡附近。考古发现东南沿海稻米生产已有近万年历史。   上面是义乌桥头遗址出土的文物,第一张图应该是两个八卦图案组成的六十四卦。   既然古书显示伏羲氏很可能生活于东南沿海,他们研制出八卦,而义乌桥头又出土了带有八卦的文物,这表明桥头古人要么就是伏羲氏,要么同伏羲氏有莫大的渊源。在其它考古发现出现之前,我先称桥头古人为伏羲氏。   易其实就是八卦,而八卦也就是易。《易经》本身也是关于八卦的书籍。易字的甲骨文属于象形文字,这个象形文字应该展示演绎八卦的过程。   我本人是研究物理学的学者。我属于以太理论学派,我们学派在十七世纪和十九世纪处于主流地位。以太理论的科学家和工程师在十九世纪创造了发电机、电动机、电路、电话、电灯、电影、电报、交流电远距离传电系统等等伟大的发明,这些发明为人类科技的腾飞奠定了坚实的基础。   以太理论的对立面是常数理论学派。他们把对宇宙的解释完全建立在万有引力常数、光速常数和普朗克常数的基础上。其中万有引力常数负责太阳系内部机制的解释,光速常数负责太阳系以外区域宇宙现象的解释,普朗克常数负责微观世界的解释,这三大常数分工明确,密不透风。因为三大常数只是为了方便计算而假设出来的,它们本身其实是不存在的。目前建立在三大常数基础上的宇宙观是非常荒谬的。     上图是以太理论的宇宙观。在我们的太阳系中有三条大型的能量线,它们是日木线、日地线和银日线。这三条线决定这地球上的自然灾害状况。当三条线靠得很近的时候,地球上一定会发生大型的群发性的自然灾害和次生灾害,这种灾害的周期是三十年左右。三条能量线中日木线的能量要远高于其它两条线,地球每 400 天左右会两次靠近日木线。所以地球上会发生周期为 200 天左右的自然灾害频发期。   易