Soul and spirit
Everyone has a soul, but not everyone can raise the soul to the level of the spirit. When a person's soul begins to resonate with the great wisdom that makes all living beings flourish, the human soul begins to rise to the level of the spirit. At this time, he will feel that splendid love permeates the world. The soul has life and death, but the spirit will eventually merge with great virtue, love, and beauty. Thomas Guangnian Jin 魂魄(soul)每个人都有,但将魂魄上升到灵魂的层度,却不是每个人都能做到。其关键一点就是这个灵字。 一个人的魂魄开始同天地间那种使芸芸众生蓬勃发展的宏大智慧共鸣的时候,人类的魂魄就开始上升到灵魂的层度。到了这时他将会感受到弥漫于天地间的大爱。 魂魄是有生有死的,而灵魂最终会同神的大德、大爱和大美融为一体。 金光年